11 March 2025
This is not a profit-oriented portal. The Agri-infotech portal of KAU, celkau.in
is purely an education - oriented tech portal to disseminate knowledge, information
and technology to farmers and public, free of cost. Some of the PHOTOGRAPHS/PICTURES/ILLUSTRATIONS/OTHER
DETAILS/VIDEOS/LINKED SITES, etc. in this portal are not the creation and property
of the portal owner (CEL, KAU), but saved from some other sources including public
domains or websites. If you are the real Copyright Owner and if you really want
us to remove any of your material from this portal, please feel free to write to
the portal owner through CEL forum/feedback.
Copyright Owners are requested to contribute their materials generously so that
we can join together in giving free service to the farmers and public.
Owner, www.celkau.in